Our Mission


“There is but one mission, the mission of Jesus… the Congregation seeks to make present again in concrete specific time and place this liberating mission of Christ, and in particular to show forth by its ministries, by the witness of its members and by the visibility of its corporate existence, the liberating mission of Christ” (Const.2-3).

The Chapter Call

The Sisters hold a special meeting every six years to review and reflect on the life and mission of the Congregation. This meeting is known as the Congregational Chapter and it sets out our direction for six years. In May 2019, the Congregational Chapter set the following focus for 2019 - 2025:

“Like a “spring of water” (Jn 4:14) from which the members draw strength, vitality and fresh inspiration, our St. John of God spirit is a source in which we find our identity and meaning”. (Cf. Constitutions, Art 10).

Open to the abundant life of now, we journey together in hope, gratitude and compassion. United in our diversity, we participate in the mission of Christ, and take courage from the sustaining presence of God.

Our call is to live the present phase in the life of the Congregation with the same generosity, dedication and creativity that have characterized our journey so far.

Chapter Commitments

Inspired by the theme of the 17th Congregational Chapter, we commit ourselves to:

  • Continue to discern and engage in ministries that support vulnerable people. We will do this in collaboration with others.

  • Be open to the transformative power of letting go of much that we know and love, while attending to the necessary tasks of completion.

  • Sustain and nourish our spirituality at this unprecedented time in religious life.

  • Take personal and corporate action to “care for our common home” (Laudato Si’, no.1), aware of the hospitality of the Earth, and of our role as co-creators with God who is being revealed in the here and now.

  • Act in solidarity with women throughout the world who are seeking to have their rightful place in church and society recognized.

Participating in the Mission Today

At our 2019 Congregational Chapter we committed ourselves to remain faithful to the mission of Christ and to the vision of our founders. Motivated by the belief that all human life is sacred, we continue to discern and engage in partnership with others, in ministries that support vulnerable people. In line with this commitment, we use our resources, human and material to collaborate with others in addressing those needs.

While we give priority to the ministry of caring for our elderly and frail Sisters, we collaborate and support those who work to provide housing and shelter for homeless people. We also support Non-Governmental Organisations working for the alleviation of suffering in areas of conflict and disaster around the world.

Nurturing the faith-view of life has been the essential apostolic concern of the Sisters since our beginnings. We express this today by being involved with Retreat Centres, Spirituality Programmes, Spiritual Accompaniment, Parish Ministry, and Prayer Ministry.

Our Chapter Call also commits us to take personal and corporate action to care for Earth, our “common home” (Laudato Si, no.1). We engage with and encourage others in this. We are especially concerned for the poorest people of the earth, knowing that it is they who suffer most from the environmental impact of climate change.

As we move into the future, we continue to listen to our call to live our lives with the same generosity, dedication and creativity that defined our Founding Sisters. We do this, confident of the sustaining presence of God in our lives.


“In God we live and move and have our being” Acts 17: 28