May 24th marks the 4th anniversary of Laudato Si. It is also to be a day of action against climate chaos across the world. For details, see the letter below from Lorna Gold of Trocaire. You yourself might not be able to take part in the day of action, but you might be interested in spreading the word.
Dear Laudato Si Friends,
On 17th April Pope Francis met with Greta Thunberg, the Swedish girl who launched the global climate strike movement by skipping school each Friday. Since then, the strikes have gone global with 1.6 million young people (and many adults) joining the global day of action on the 15th March. When she met Pope Francis, she noted that the next planned day of action is the 24th May – the 4th anniversary of Laudato Sí. Pope Francis gave her his blessing and urged her to “keep going.” This article by the Franciscan Sisters of Mary gives a lovely account of what happened.
On the 24th May, many faith groups across the world will mark the anniversary of Laudato Si by marching with the young protesters and showing solidarity with them. We could stand behind the banner “#FaithsforFuture.” Will you join? Plans for marches in Ireland are still at an early stage.
Please help spread the word in your circles and I will keep you informed as details emerge. If you are on facebook you can follow “Climate Strike Ireland – Fridays for Future” group to get updates.
Blessings on your work,