OXFAM are making an appeal and ask for your help! 9 out of 10 people in many developing countries are unlikely to get a Covid-19 vaccine this year, meanwhile rich countries have bought up enough potential doses to vaccinate their citizens several times over. Unless governments and the pharmaceutical industry take urgent action, up to 70 low and lower middle-income countries will only have capacity to vaccinate one in 10 people against Covid-19 next year.
We need a people’s vaccine, not a profit vaccine.
Sign the petition now. SIGN HERE
There doesn’t need to be a choice between vaccinating people at home or in other countries. Everyone on earth should have the hope and freedom from fear that vaccination brings.
The only way we can fix this and get vaccines for everyone is for pharmaceutical corporations to openly share their technology and intellectual property to enable vaccine producers all over the world to maximise the supply of safe and effective vaccines for everyone on earth. We need a Peoples’ Vaccine not a Profit Vaccine.