Eleven years ago I became a consecrated member of a ministry the then Bishop, David Walker, established for women in the diocese. During those eleven years, I have worked in five parishes in various capacities, including one where I was a Coordinator of Parish Life according to canon 517.2.
I am currently appointed to Our Lady of Dolours parish in Chatswood in the ministries of faith formation and social justice. I am also a member of the formation team for the permanent diaconate.
For the past twenty two years I have worked in Broken Bay diocese as a schools consultant and as a facilitator for school advisory boards with the Catholic Schools Office. I was seconded for three years to the Broken Bay Institute in the first three years of its development.
I have a daughter who has lived in London with her husband for the past twenty years. My son lives locally and I have two granddaughters.
Click here to hear Podcast 29.