Rosa is an educator passionate about the formation of young women in mercy-imbued catholic schools.
She has undertaken academic, pastoral and mission leadership roles across a career spanning more than 35 years in Catholic Education in Western Australia. Rosa has worked as a sessional lecturer at the University of Notre Dame – Fremantle and with the Catholic institute of WA at Curtin University and Edith Cowan University.
Rosa is married to Rev Hollis Wilson, currently the minister at Wesley Uniting Church in Perth. Early in their marriage Rosa lived in the United States for 4 years working for the United Church of Christ on a major denominational gathering that taught her much about the importance of Christ driven authentic relationships, Spirit led leadership and God centred social action. These three principles have guided Rosa in cherishing relationships with her family and the faith communities she belongs to.
Rosa has an interest in gardening, walking labyrinths and Ottolenghi inspired cooking.
Click here to hear Podcast 27.