Saint John of God
(Joao (Juan) Cidade, 8 March 1495 – 8 March 1550)
In his lifetime
- an orphan,
- a shepherd,
- a soldier.
He sold books to earn money,
He frequently walked the streets of Granada, Spain, carrying his basket, begging for food for poor people.
John collected firewood in order to help people who were cold and neglected.
John spent time in a psychiatric Hospital.
He carried the sick to his temporary hospital.
He cared for the sick and homeless.
“The journey of John’s life, including his own inner struggles, sensitized him very acutely to the suffering of others. He was truly overwhelmed, urged on and deeply transformed as he became aware of the suffering of others. Those who were vulnerable, homeless, rejected, ill in body or mind, the outcasts of society were befriended and cared for by John”.
-Sr Brid Ryan SSJG
With the people of Granada, the local Bishop saw John’s kindness and compassion in caring for the poor, the sick, the homeless, those whom society despised. The Bishop gave John the name, “John of God”, and the people called John “Father of the poor”.
You,too, exemplify the spirit of God when you are present with others in your compassionate listening, your kind and just actions, in the ordinary everyday things of life – with family, neighbours, co-workers, those in any kind of need, those you serve with a kind and generous heart.
Like St John of God who listened to the cry of the poor, we too listen to the cry of the Poor, and the cry of Earth, our common home,
Join the Sisters of St John of God today in their prayer and celebrations as well as their many companions in ministry to the sick, the poor and those on the edges of society.
We Pause and we Pray:
Blessed be the work of our hands
That they may be warmly extended to welcome poor and vulnerable people;
That they may offer comforting shelter to homeless and neglected people;
That they may be clenched in protest against all that is wrong in our world;
That they may be wrinkled and scarred in a life-long effort to do what is right and just;
And that we may enthusiastically engage in the mystery of life with /in you, our infinitely loving God.